Inflatable Billboards

January 18, 2022Published By

Inflatable billboards are a unique way for advertisers to add an extra layer of awesomeness to their advertisements 

In the past, we’ve explored some of the creative forms that out-of-home media has taken, such as wallscapes and 3D video billboards

In addition to those, inflatable billboards can provide a new dimension to an advertiser’s message


What Not To Do When Designing Billboards

January 11, 2022Published By

Today, we’re going to be taking a look at how not to design a billboard 

At BillboardsIn, we give our clients the power to submit their own billboard designs Designing your own billboard can be rewarding, but there are some design tenets that are important to know


Controversial Billboard Campaigns

January 4, 2022Published By

Today, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the most controversial billboards that have been produced Buckle up for what’s bound to be an entertaining and outrageous ride These are in no particular ranking—I’ll let you be the judge on what’s the worst


How Billboards Enhance Sports

December 14, 2021Published By

Watching sports is one of the most popular pastimes across the world, so naturally, there’s a booming billboard industry behind it

Today, we’re going to be exploring some of the most unique sports billboards that have been produced! Billboards are a great tool to promote sporting events, teams and even specific athletes  (more…)

Client Spotlight: Medigate

December 2, 2021Published By

In an increasingly technological world, it’s become even more important for people to protect their devices from cyber-attacks, and that’s exactly what Medigate sets out to do 

The idea of someone using computer code to deliver mass amounts of devastation seems pretty far-fetched, almost like something from a James Bond film or the TV show 24, but cyber-attacks are no small issue, especially in the healthcare industry


Design Tips for Holiday Advertising

November 16, 2021Published By

With the holiday season quickly approaching, now’s the perfect time to start crafting a billboard to launch at the height of the season

One of the most important factors of any billboard design is the color scheme 


Hiring Billboards

November 9, 2021Published By

Billboards are the perfect tool for recruiting new workers to your business

Hiring billboards should be big and bold in order to attract the attention of passersby Take a look at the two examples below

True Blue is a company that’s dedicated to connecting businesses with pools of workers Their billboard design is unconventional and very creative, which means that their budget was very high

Not everyone has the finances to pull off such a billboard, but a traditional and cheaper design can be just as effective Check out the example below from…

Netflix and Billboards

November 2, 2021Published By

Netflix employs some ingenious uses of billboards Similar to Spotify, their billboards do a great job of engaging audiences and expressing the corporation’s personality

Netflix is considered a dominant player in the world of streaming services Offering a selection of over 5,000 TV shows and movies, Netflix was one of the first companies to deliver a wealth of entertainment to the comfort of people’s homes
