Billboards and Church Advertising

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Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is a fantastic way to reach new members and continue growing your community. In the United States today, there are more than 350,000 church congregations, and the majority of churchgoers live within 15 minutes of their church. With churches being accessible to nearly everyone in the United States, it is easy to see why billboards and church advertising is important in gaining new members.

Standing Out

With multiple churches being located so close to one’s home, a billboard makes your church stand out compared to others who do not advertise their church. For someone who is new to an area or searching for a new church, a billboard advertisement draws attention and sparks interest in the mind of those passing by. Due to the size of billboards, a creative message targeting the right audience will be seen by potential members every day as they commute.


One of the most enticing reasons to buy a billboard or church advertisement is their price per amount of exposure. Typically, churches do not have a large advertising budget due to their income coming from donations. To get donations you need to have active members in the church. And to have active members in the church, you need to be known! While the price varies due to a couple of factors, a typical billboard only costs about $5.21 per 1000 impressions. That is a price that TV, digital, newspaper and radio advertising can’t beat!


One of the biggest advantages of using billboards and church advertising is taking advantage of OOH advertisement’s ability to target a specified audience. If you are trying to get more families to come to your church, you may place a billboard near an elementary school where parents are dropping off or picking up children every day. According to the OAAA (Outdoor Advertising Association of America), there are about 360,000 billboard locations. This allows for a lot of flexibility when it comes to placing a church advertisement in the best spot.

Now that you have heard the praise about billboards and church advertising, why not navigate over to BillboardsIn to get started on your OOH campaign today!