Billboards For Non-Profits

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Using billboards for non-profits is one of the most cost-efficient ways to advertise on a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) basis.

Thanks to billboards being the most affordable form of advertising, they are regularly used by non-profit organizations in their advertising campaigns. If you are looking to get your message out to a large audience, billboards do a great job of communicating these messages to those who will take action. In this post, we will show some of the reasons why billboards for non-profits are the best choice.


For non-profits, the cost is almost always going to the biggest factor when choosing a method of advertising. Due to non-profits often having a relatively low budget, some advertising options will not be available. This is not an issue because billboards actually reach the same amount of people at a significantly lower cost. According to the OAAA; “To reach 1,000 people, online can cost up to $17.50 per thousand impressions, magazines can cost up to $21.00 per thousand, and spot broadcast or cable can cost $22.00 to $25.00 per thousand. At $3.38 to $8.65 per thousand impressions, [billboards] deliver the same audience at significantly lower cost.”


Your organization can avoid overcomplicating your marketing campaign by utilizing billboards for non-profits. Once created, a billboard is put on display for the entirety of your campaign, all while you continue putting your efforts into the other areas of the organization. And if you don’t know where to start when it comes to creating the billboard, you can head to BillboardsIn and we will do all of the hard work for you!


In order to get your billboard message to work effectively, your billboard (and brand) need to connect with your target audience. You should create a message that will motivate the viewer to act, give, volunteer, sign, or participate. A great way to do this is by tapping into the emotions of the audience. Knowing what motivates your audience is a huge factor in getting more people behind your message. Once you find out what motivates them, display this message on your billboard ad and you will be sure to see a jump in the number of advocates for your campaign.

Now that learning these tips about billboards for non-profits got you motivated, act on it by going to BillboardsIn to start your billboard ad campaign!